August 13, 2011

To My Sandals

I'm slightly embarrassed about how dirty these are.

Dear Sandals,

You have been the best thing for this trip. I have worn you through Ireland, Wales, England, and Paris. I have chosen you most days over my toms and two other pairs of sandals. Why? Because when it rains, you don't stay wet all day or make my feet cold. You haven't given me any blisters, and because of you, I've remained mostly blister free. You go with almost every outfit, jeans or skirts, and I can walk in you all day long. You have also given me sweet tan lines.


But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. Unfortunately, you are so filthy dirty, and I'm afraid you will never smell the same again. I must say goodbye to you, awesome sandals. Thanks for being so great. 


This is a great version of this song.

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