September 14, 2011


I found this quote on another blog, and I thought I would share it:

“I hope someday you will have a longing that seems to wring your soul where you hit a wall that seems insurmountable. If your duty lies beyond that wall, do not stand back and say, ‘I cannot do it.’ You may want to do it, but wanting is not sufficient. You must ask God for power. Then you must be willing to exercise your faith and do everything you are able to do. “You can walk from where you stand, up to the wall. When you get there, and you have gone as far as you can, you will find in answer to your prayer that there is a hidden ladder by which you can scale it, or there is a door which you could not see from where you were first standing. God’s hand is shown. He will help you. All good things require effort. That which is worth having will cost part of your physical being, your intellectual power and your spiritual power. ‘Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.’ But you have to ask, you have to knock, you have to seek.”
- President David O. McKay

Man, I love it. You must do all you can, and God will help you. 


  1. its crazy because I seriously experienced this last week.. No kidding. Its so true... we are not alone!
    Also, I am the wORST texter. Do you want to go to lunch or something? I looked at boden that helped a ton!!! Thank you so much!

  2. Listen, it's okay. I forgive you. Let's do lunch for sure. Probably on a saturday would be best! I should send her a dearelder and see where else she went and hopefully that will help! love ya!

  3. I love this quote, really wonderful! The teachings of the prophets are timeless.
