September 3, 2011

Guess What

My mission call was assigned this morning! That's right. That means I will have my call by this Wednesday! I am so excited!

Last night, I went with my parents to my cousin's groom's dinner. At our table was one of their former bishops, now a member of the 70. We got to talking to him, and he found out I was waiting for my call. And you know what he said? "Well tomorrow morning, I'll be sitting in with Elder Holland as he assigns mission calls. Hopefully one of those is yours!" What are the odds? Seriously!?

Today, my mom called the bishop and we found out that my call had been assigned. Shortly after that, we went to my handsome cousin's wedding, and there we saw Elder Wilson. He told us that he didn't see my profile come up, because he was switching between rooms where Elder Holland and Elder Perry (my favorites) were assigning calls. So one of those fine brethren was inspired and chose a mission for me!

I absolutely cannot wait to get my call. I've had new mission dreams, one where I was rejected, and another where I was called to Singapore (random, right?). So, here's to 5 more sleepless nights! Woo!

1 comment:

  1. this is difficult to be patient with!!! You will be amazing!
