This past week has been really great. First, I had a mission reunion, where I got to catch up with some pretty cool kids. We really are so lucky to be living so close to each other.
I went to the Texas vs BYU game and cheered our team on to victory from the SIDE LINES. Nice, right? It was there that we got to chill with Jimmer, Brandon Davies, Jackson Emery, and Charles Abouo, no big, right? (joke, it actually was a pretty big deal)
I also started my new job!! I'm officially a medical assistant at Pediatric Care, where I give shots to innocent babies all day. Sad, right? But it pays really well and they are flexible with my schedule... so needless to say, I'm pretty happy right now.
Listen to this song guys, seriously. IN LOVE.
September 12, 2013
September 2, 2013
Cancun.... according to my iphone
Well, I'm home! I think I need to be better on this blogging thing. I'm sure things will settle down when school starts back up (tomorrow, ah!! I'm so excited!).
Mexico was so relaxing and so fun. We go there about every year and a half, so we're pretty seasoned in the whole Cancun scene. We know where to eat, where to shop, and where to visit. So, because of that, I didn't take too many pictures. But if you want to see more pictures about my previous adventures in Cancun, go here.
It was so nice for me just to relax. I read the Divergent series (well the two books that are out) and I am obsessed.
All and all, it was a fun, relaxing trip. Now I'm all moved out and settled in to my new apartment, ready for a new semester in school. I can't wait to get back into the byu scene.
Some spanish music for ya... here's Sol Pereyra
August 25, 2013
Hey peepes. I'm still alive here... just having a good old time here in Cancun. More on my adventures to come!
August 19, 2013
Awkward and Awesome (Yeah, Monday Moments)
Annnnd we're back. This week's awkwards and awesomes are all RM themed. (That's 'returned missionary' fyi) Here we go....
- Figuring out how the washer, dryer and dishwasher work again. What button is it again?
- The most common question I've been asked? "What are your plans now?"
- Another common question: "So how was your mission?" Me: "Ummm.... good?" Honestly, how am I supposed to answer that? Missions are like mini lives. It's like asking, "So, how have the last 10 years been?" Good?
- It was so weird coming back and seeing how technologically advanced everyone is... how EVERYONE has an iphone and all this instagramming and snapchatting stuff.
- Speaking of technological advances, this one right here got an iphone. Yeah, that sure was a blast trying to figure out the first few days. What do I do with this space phone?
- How my eye twitched for 2 weeks from straight up fatigue. No I am not winking at you. So sorry.
- Getting tired around 7, and waking up without fail at 3:15am for about 6 days.
- The strange sensation that my mission was just a dream and that I never left.
- My awesome bed!!! So soft!
- Carpet!! Seriously, this was me about 5 seconds after I walked into my house.
- Listening to music again... the absolute best.
- Being alone Driving alone. Sleeping alone. Reading alone. Walking alone. I like being alone.
- annnddd.... seeing all my family and friends. Only a little awesome, right? :)
We've got lots of catching up to do... so keep your shorts on and be patient with me while I try and update this thing. I'll be headed to Mexico tomorrow, so it might be a bit!
August 18, 2013
Asado means BBQ in Argentina, y'all. So the day after I got home, my parents threw a little party and I was so so happy when a bunch of my mission buddies showed up!
Cousin Greg served his mission in Brazil and learned how to do Brazilian BBQ... man this stuff is amazing. Head and shoulders above Rodizios. It was so good to see so many people from the mission and to connect with old friends.
Well that's a wrap, folks. As you've probably noticed, we're back on the old blog look. *Sniffle. I'm so happy you all were able to follow me on this little adventure, and I hope that you'll stay tuned for this next exciting stage in my life.
We're back to posting some good music... here's 'Boys with Girlfriends'
Cousin Greg served his mission in Brazil and learned how to do Brazilian BBQ... man this stuff is amazing. Head and shoulders above Rodizios. It was so good to see so many people from the mission and to connect with old friends.
All kids from the Bahia Blanca Mission. We rock. |
Well that's a wrap, folks. As you've probably noticed, we're back on the old blog look. *Sniffle. I'm so happy you all were able to follow me on this little adventure, and I hope that you'll stay tuned for this next exciting stage in my life.
We're back to posting some good music... here's 'Boys with Girlfriends'
August 15, 2013
One Last Time
- So I promised I would write one last post on my last week in the mission. The exciting news is that on Sunday the 28th of July, Margarita got baptized! But man, that was one heck of a baptism. We got a call on Saturday night telling us that there was no hot water for the font! They said the baptism may not happen and we were so bummed. On Sunday morning, Margarita came all prepped and ready with a skirt and her nice shoes on and we were honestly praying for a miracle... and that's what happened. Something that was once broken started working and we were able to fill the font with warm water. What a miracle right?? Margarita was baptized and it was a perfect way to end my time in Toay. I also was able to fulfill a goal of the beginning of my mission I made the goal to baptize in every area and with every companion. And I am so happy/blessed I was able to have this baptism with Hermana Vawdrey! I will miss her!!
- The whole rest of the week was full of goodbyes and lots of people wanting to give me food. We even had lunch with our favorite investigators, Juan and Cristina... they are so great!!
- So on Sunday night, I left Toay with all my suitcases and headed to the terminal. My bus left at 4am and everything was so surreal. We got to Bahia at like 9 in the morning and went straight to the office to weigh our suitcases and have our last interviews with President. My interview was the absolute best. I asked President to give me a blessing and it was the absolute best decision I have ever made. It was the sweetest and clearest blessing and I will always hold that near to my heart. After finally having the chance to shower, Hna Gonzalez and I went off to Villa Mitre 2 so I could visit some people. I was able to see Tatiana and Erika and found out they would be off to the temple that week to do baptisms... SO GREAT!! I also saw a few more families in the ward and it was just so nice to be back in my old area and say goodbye.
- That night we had FHE at the Presidents house and everything just felt like a dream. We shared our testimonies for the last time as missionaries and had asado. Our gift from President was a bound book of all our letters we had written to him throughout our missions. It was funny to look back and see how terrible my Spanish was when I first started! After that we went home and tried to sleep... that didn't work too well, but that's ok. The next morning, we got picked up and we headed to the airport. Everything was so surreal and sad.
-When we got to Buenos Aires, we met up with all the leaving groups... from Cordoba and Mendoza and ate lunch. We also met the new missionaries going to Bahia Blanca! Then we were all shipped off to the temple. We got to see one of our old APs there and he was able to do a session with us! Such a sweet experience for us all.
- The whole rest of the week was full of goodbyes and lots of people wanting to give me food. We even had lunch with our favorite investigators, Juan and Cristina... they are so great!!
- So on Sunday night, I left Toay with all my suitcases and headed to the terminal. My bus left at 4am and everything was so surreal. We got to Bahia at like 9 in the morning and went straight to the office to weigh our suitcases and have our last interviews with President. My interview was the absolute best. I asked President to give me a blessing and it was the absolute best decision I have ever made. It was the sweetest and clearest blessing and I will always hold that near to my heart. After finally having the chance to shower, Hna Gonzalez and I went off to Villa Mitre 2 so I could visit some people. I was able to see Tatiana and Erika and found out they would be off to the temple that week to do baptisms... SO GREAT!! I also saw a few more families in the ward and it was just so nice to be back in my old area and say goodbye.
With Tatiana and Erika |
With Hermana Parreno |
- The temple was so beautiful but we couldn't enjoy it because we had to rush outta there and get to the airport. Then we found out that the Bahia Blanca group wouldn't be leaving that day... I know, ahh! Our luggage (which was sent by ground transportation) didn't make it in time so we would be staying an extra day. We were all pretty bummed, but mostly just scared to have to call our moms and tell them the news! So, there was about 18 of us... and I was the only sister. Ha, awkward.... but at least the Elders were pretty cool. We had to stay in a hotel that night, and I had to sleep in a room by myself... which was very strange, still being a missionary and all. The next day we were able to do a tour of Buenos Aires and see the sights. At last we were able to get on the plane... all of us pretty ready to go home.
- Those two flights... from Buenos Aires to Atlanta, and then Atlanta to Salt Lake...were the absolute longest flights of my life. 8 of us finally made it to Utah and we were all so excited and nervous. We booked it through the terminal, ignoring all the excited pointing from fellow Utah mormons and made it to the escalator. I tried filming everything but my hands were so shaky I couldn't!
-Seeing my parents and family and friends was amazing. I was just crying and shaking so much! It made me think of how our "homecoming" will be when we finally make it back to our heavenly parents. I imagine that the pure joy I felt on that day in the airport will be magnified when I run in to my Father in Heaven's arms. How sweet will be that reunion?
-Well there you have it... my journey home. I'm sad that this chapter of my life is ending, but I am so so excited for the next one to begin. Missions are a funny thing. You're out there, preaching the gospel day in and day out and if you let it, it starts changing you. Little by little, until you look back and realize you're not the same person you were before you left. Like they say, you only have 18 months to serve and an eternity to think about it. And in these last two weeks I have thought about my mission every day. I am so grateful I had this opportunity to serve.
Love you all,
The former 'Hermana' Cydnee Squire
August 7, 2013
Welcome Home Video
Thanks to Savannah Slater we have this lovely 'Welcome Home' Video.... ENJOY
Welcome Home Hermana Squire! from Savannah Slater on Vimeo.
Welcome Home Hermana Squire! from Savannah Slater on Vimeo.
August 5, 2013
July 22, 2013
My people,
It's here. The moment you've all been waiting for.
It's here. The moment you've all been waiting for.
I'm sitting here in this cold cyber, blowing on my fingers every few seconds and thinking about what I could possibly write to wrap this up. My heart is racing, and well, I've tried pretty hard not to be trunky in my emails... but seeing as it's my LAST week, I'm just gonna say "I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU GUYS NEXT WEEK!!!! WAHOOO!!!!!!!!!"
Ok. I guess I'll tell you all what happened this week and try to think of something to say at the end.
- Let's start with the usual, ok? The funny. So one day we were walking to a cita (appointment) during the siesta. So you know, during the siesta there is NO ONE around. Everything is closed. People are sleeping. Hardly anyone in the streets. So we're walking in the middle of this neighborhood (AND all of the members had traveled to the temple), and lately the air has been so dry and cold... anyway! We're walking, and my nose just starts bleeding... like furiously. And I'm sitting there holding my nose with blood just all over my hands and face going "what do we do!? what can we do!!" and Hna Vawdrey is just busting up. So we go knock on some door, wake some poor lady up... and when she opened the door with this "what do you want" look, she saw ME... and haha, you should have seen her face!!! I asked her for some paper, and she gave me two paper towels and shut the door in our face! I was laughing so hard. We had to go back to the pension (apt) to clean myself up, and you won't believe the stares I got... people were probably thinking, 'those crazy Mormons... fighting with the people..." :-)
- It is SO DANG COLD. Yesterday it was like 14 degrees and SO WINDY with freezing rain. I wanted to DIE. I kept thinking... I'm so glad it's summer at home and I only have to be cold for a few more days. Before we left yesterday, Hermana Vawdrey and I put on like 5 layers... I said, "Are we going skiing or are we going to preach the gospel?" I'm wearing thermals right now. In July. Yeah. I don't wanna talk about it.
- SO MARGARITA! We are hoping we can get her baptized on Sunday! Maybe! She is so great and willing but her understanding is mas o menos. BUT we are patient and she is finally starting to get stuff. She came to church yesterday too!
- We had interviews with Presidente on Friday and it was just so fun! I walk in and he goes, "la famosa Hermana Squire!!!" (*the famous Hermana Squire) and we just laughed the whole time. He gave me some great advice for my last week. I'm so grateful for President. He's amazing.
- So, we have been working with a great couple, Juan Carlos and Cristina. They were a reference from the Patriarch and live in the NICEST house I have ever taught in. They are AWESOME. Cristina is more ready than Juan, but they BOTH have such good questions. Cristina told us she read 3 Nephi, but didn't pray to ask if it was true. At first we were bummed, but then she said, "I felt that I didn't need to...I was reading and it just made sense. I just knew it was true." SO GREAT! They need to get married, so I'll be looking forward to seeing those fruits in the future. Juan has Mormon cousins that live in Utah that keep bugging him to go see them, so I said, "if you go, you can come visit me!" They were all down for that. When they found out that I was leaving, they got all sad and invited me to lunch on Saturday. So sweet! This week is going to be full of a lot of "lasts" and a LOT of food.
- Just some last thoughts. As I was sitting on the bus this morning on the way to Santa Rosa for some trunky shopping, watching a little boy lick the window while sitting on his mom's lap (she definitely wasn't stopping him), I thought about how much I was going to miss this place: the 5 people squished on a motorcycle, dogs everywhere, dog POOP everywhere, 80's style.... then there are the people. These people have become my FAMILY for the past 16ish months, and my heart aches to leave them. I love them soooo much. I have loved my mission and I can honestly say that I couldn't have done anything more amazing with my life than serve a mission. I have learned so much and grown so much. "La gran Misión Bahia Blanca" has humbled me, molded me, tried me, taught me to trust in and rely on the Lord, and taught me to see people's true worth. I am so grateful to have been a tool in the Lord's hands to serve His children in Argentina. The scriptures speak better than I can, so here's a couple of verses from Alma 26:
28 And now behold, we have come, and been forth amongst them; and we have been patient in our sufferings, and we have suffered every privation; yea, we have traveled from house to house, relying upon the mercies of the world—not upon the mercies of the world alone but upon the mercies of God.
29 And we have entered into their houses and taught them, and we have taught them in their streets; yea, and we have taught them upon their hills; and we have also entered into their temples and their asynagogues and taught them; and we have been cast out, and mocked, and spit upon, and smote upon our cheeks; and we have been bstoned, and taken and bound with cstrong cords, and cast into prison; and through the power and wisdom of God we have been delivered again.
30 And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed that our ajoy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving some.
31 Now behold, we can look forth and see the afruits of our labors; and are they few? I say unto you, Nay, they are bmany; yea, and we can witness of their sincerity, because of their love towards their brethren and also towards us.
16 Therefore, let us aglory, yea, we will bglory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his cmercy, and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel.
35 Now have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all apower, ball wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a cmerciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name.
36 Now if this is aboasting, even so will I boast; for this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption from everlasting wo. Yea, blessed is the name of my God, who has been mindful of this people, who are a bbranch of the tree of Israel, and has been clost from its body in a strange land; yea, I say, blessed be the name of my God, who has been mindful of us, dwanderers in a strange land.
This is just gonna be a general shout out to ALL of you who wrote me an email. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am just in awe and so happy right now. Thank you, thank you. Maybe you will miss my emails, but GUESS WHAT!? I have a blog ( where I will continue doing updates on my life. It may not be spiritual all of the time, but hey, if you wanna keep reading, follow me on my blog. I'll be doing a post for what happened the last week in the mission.
Thank you all SO much for supporting me in this amazing journey... For your endless prayers on my behalf... they have kept me going these 18 months. I hope that when I come home, you can all see the change that it has made in me. Because of these people and because of this mission, I will never be the same.
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Familia Lobos & Mikaela |
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Sister Vawdrey & Mikaela before she left for her mission to Peru |
July 15, 2013
Still Sprinting!!!
"El fin se acerca y hay poco tiempo...."
Hey goobie goobs. How´s life?
-Things are pretty good here. We are just work workin away and having a blast doing it. Hna Vawdrey and I laugh together a LOT.
For example:
- She talks in her BAD. (like the other hna vawdrey!! how weird) So two nights ago i wake up at 2am to her talking... and this is how it goes:
V: Nuestro Padre celestial quiere comunicar con usted...
S: hmm?
V: mumbles.... (later I find out she said "why am i teaching?")
S: What´s next?
V: I don´t remember
S: *thinking*... la fe
V: I have to go to the bathroom....
S: are you awake????
V: wait, were you messing with me??
And that´s how it went... we laughed so hard.
- You know how sometimes you have district leaders that just make you wanna scream? Yeah, that´s pretty fun. Well, this is how you deal with it... when you get tired of talking to him, you pass the phone to your companion who struggles understanding spanish, and listen while he gets a little frustrated thinking of simpler ways to say things. Then you stifle your laughs and feel a little happier. (just a side note, we DO have to take turns speaking with the DL every night)
- SO anyway... this week we´ve been passing by old investigators and we found a golden one. Margarita. She is just the sweetest thing who has been through some tough times. She has already been to church in the past and everyone knows her! And I was all, why have you not been bap-tized? (NACHOOOOO!) So she came to church yesterday and just loved it.She told us that ever since we started teaching her she just feels so much peace and feels so happy. Pray for her!
- You know whats funny? It seems like when missionaries finally get the hang of what they´re doing, they get the boot. Funny how that happens. I´m convinced its so that we can remain humble. I still have to rely on the Spirit 100%... when plan A, B, and C fall through and I´m in the middle of the street sometimes i´m just like, Ok Lord, what do we need to do? And he always seems to guide us right where we need to be. It´s crazy how sensitive I have become to the spirit... I can feel it´s power when I teach and when inspired questions come to my mind.
- SO I was reading in Jacob 5 this morning. And I LOVE it.. here's some verses that stuck out:
62 Wherefore, let us go to and labor with our might this last time, for behold the end draweth nigh, and this is for the last time that I shallaprune my vineyard.
62 Wherefore, let us go to and labor with our might this last time, for behold the end draweth nigh, and this is for the last time that I shallaprune my vineyard.
70 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard sent his aservant; and the servant went and did as the Lord had commanded him, and brought other bservants; and they were cfew.
71 And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them: Go to, and alabor in the vineyard, with your might. For behold, this is the blast time that I shall cnourish my vineyard; for the end is nigh at hand, and the season speedily cometh; and if ye labor with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time which will soon come.
72 And it came to pass that the servants did go and labor with their mights; and the Lord of the vineyard labored also with them; and they did obey the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard in all things.
74 And thus they labored, with all diligence, according to the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard, even until the bad had been cast away out of the vineyard, and the Lord had preserved unto himself that the trees had become again the natural fruit; and they became like unto aone body; and the fruits were equal; and the Lord of the vineyard had preserved unto himself the natural fruit, which was most precious unto him from the beginning.
75 And it came to pass that when the aLord of the vineyard saw that his fruit was good, and that his vineyard was no more corrupt, he called up his servants, and said unto them: Behold, for this last time have we nourished my vineyard; and thou beholdest that I have done according to my will; and I have preserved the natural fruit, that it is good, even like as it was in the beginning. And bblessed art thou; for because ye have been diligent in laboring with me in my vineyard, and have kept my commandments, and have brought unto me again thecnatural fruit, that my vineyard is no more corrupted, and the bad is cast away, behold ye shall have djoy with me because of the fruit of my vineyard.
Well, this is the last time I get to labor in this part of the Lord´s vineyard for "the end is nigh at hand" and I must "labor with my might" and with "all diligence", so that when I hit that finish line, He can tell me "blessed art thou; ... ye have been diligent in laboring with me in my vineyard and kept my commandments"
Happy birthday to Dave!
And happy anniversary Tyler and Ashley! Alright adrienne and troy, I'm excited to go to Mexico with y'all! Stop being trunky! And listen, I DO know a buttload of crap about the gospel, okay? So listen, next Monday is my last week emailing from the field. SO if you wanna, you can send your "last words" to me. I´d love that. Hey, behave and remember that I love ya.
Asado with Mikaela's family before her mission
July 9, 2013
Hey goobies,
-Hope you all had a happy Fourth of July... ´Merica!
-So, another week has come and gone.The time is slipping through my fingers and I don't exactly know how I feel about it. But let's not get trunky just yet, ok?
- So I forgot to say that last week when we went to Bahia, we had a few hours free to work. So what did I do? I mosied on over to Villa Mitre 2. SO GLAD I DID!!! I got to see Erika... she's doing SO WELL. And then I surprised another hermana in her Kiosco. She started crying when she saw sweet! Then I saw another Hermano in the street walking back to the office... it was SO great to hear that everyone is doing good! Then, an Elder serving in Puerto was there doing his tramites (paperwork) and so I got the DL on what's going on over there. Juan Enrique, my cute little grandpa, got the priesthood and blessed the sacrament! Amazing right? He's going around doing his home teaching and going to church faithfully. SO GREAT! Everyone is doing well in Puerto.
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Tatiana & Erika |
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Juan Enrique |
- On Wednesday, we had a zone meeting. They asked us leaving missionaries to share our testimonies and I was like, WHAT! Already? I feel like they're giving me the boot! It also doesn't help that the members are already counting down the days and saying how much they'll miss me... and I'm all "I'M STILL HERE, PEOPLE!" Sheesh I swear, everyone is trunkier than I am.
- I'm feeling better from the stomach issue this week... only thing is that now I have a cold. GREAT. Coughing all night and little sleep. SO MUCH FUN. I feel like my body is shutting down on me, and I'm just like COME ON! YOU CAN MAKE IT! I have to give it pep talks daily. Mind over matter. Right??
- We have been blessed to be finding a lot of people this week with a lot of potential. The biggest challenge right now (and of my WHOLE MISSION) is getting them to church. But we are working hard and I know the Lord will not forget our labors. As long as we are obedient and diligent, He will bless us with success.
- Well, I'm sorta at a loss for words right now. My whole mission seems to be flashing before my eyes and I'm sorta just staring at the screen, thinking. I thought back to when I got my call, and how excited I was, my first days in the MTC, my first transfer in Argentina... I have such a strong testimony that the Lord KNOWS who needs to be our Mission President, WHO needs to be our companions, WHERE we need to serve, WHO we need to teach... every mission is so individualized and specialized to the missionary... and I have to say.. the Mission of Bahía Blanca has become holy ground for me. I love it here. Love it. I wouldn't be anything without all of the people that I have met and all the experiences I have had. I came here thinking that I would help people change their lives, but in reality, they helped me change mine.
To Ashley Standifird, Brittni, and Amberly... thank you for the email love! I love you all very dearly!!
Paige- an update on your life before I go home would be nice!!
Listen everyone, I love you soooo much! Know that I am Happy! Have a great week!
Hna SKWYAHJuly 1, 2013
What's up my people!
All right, so there's not TOO much to report this week and I'll tell you why.This whole experience made me SO frustrated. I had never been sick like this in the mission... and just when I'm catching speed and the finish line is in sight... I fall flat on my face. So I struggled with these feelings of frustration this week... but I know everything happens for a reason. I could complain about it... but complaining doesn't get me anywhere. In fact, I could whine about a lot of stuff on the mission, my back hurts, my feet hurt, I'm exhausted, or that I didn't get along amazingly with a companion, the work is tough, etc... the list could go on and on.
But I always remember, I CHOSE to be here, I WANT to be here. Whining and a bad attitude doesn't help anything or anyone.
So, I've learned it's just better to get an attitude adjustment, put on your big girl/or big boy pants, and just forget about YOU, YOU,YOU, YOU, YOU and start thinking about everyone else. If not, you'll just be miserable for 18 months to two years, doing something that is hard and you don't like.
That is probably the most valuable thing I have learned in the mission, and a hard lesson I had to learn right off the bat. Alright, I´ll step off my soap box now. :)
- Oh, then on Thursday night we had to travel to Bahía to renew my visa, so basically we had Saturday and Sunday to work... ha, so yeah, our numbers were really great. (not)
-SHOUTOUTS! Happy Bday BJ Serna!!!
To Hna McChesney, I'm jealous you got to see my mom! I'm happy that you are well and happy, can't wait to hear about you "tearin' it up in mi pais." (**pais=country)
Mission prep kids! Study PMG! Go visit my parents! They love YOU!
Go have some fun in the sun.
I´ll just slowly turn whiter and whiter... no big.
I love you all!
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Hermana Vawdrey |
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Improvised Backpacks |
Hermana Vawdrey#2,
June 24, 2013
A little on the sickly side....
Hey Goobers!
How are you all?
How are you all?
-Well. It's been an eventful week. I stayed in Santa Rosa until Wednesday night and worked with the Hermanas there. I slept on this mattress that was basically like sleeping on the floor, and LUCKILY, I brought my sleeping bag because it was SOO cold at night. I literally slept with the blanket over my head because it was so cold. But it was a good experience... even if I looked like a giant next to these sisters!
Happy birthday to Trevor!
Listen. I love you all!!
Hope you have a fabulous week.
Hermana SquireLove,
June 17, 2013
You're Not Gonna Believe This One...............
Hello Everyone...
Well, I'm running on about 3 hours of sleep but that's okay.
- So transfers came. My comp was sent off to Bahía Blanca... and I was told I would be training... AGAIN! Just send me all the newbies! I'll train them all! Don't worry! Haha, an Hermana told me I'm like Eve... "the mother of all hermanas"... LET'S GO HIJA (daughter) NUMBER 3!!! That night, President called me... he said "Hermana! I know you have six weeks left (thanks for reminding me...) I'm going to send you another companion. She's from the U.S.! You know I trust in you a lot, and I want you to teach this sister all you know! She must have a marvelous mission, like you've had!" Then he told me that she was waiting for her visa and already has about 3 months in the mission. So I thought... "WHAT IF it's Jamie Vawdrey?" ( a girl from our former neighborhood, a girl from HIGHLAND, UTAH) I found out there are 6 gringas ("yankees" as they lovingly call us) coming, and ZERO Latinas. Well, as of right now, there are only TWO American sisters... and only I am free to train. SO YEAH. Anyway. I just looked at my missionary profile to write to President... and IT SAYS MY COMPANION IS JAMIE VAWDREY! What!!?? WHAT ARE THE ODDS? Such a small world!
- So, Hna Ibaña's collectivo(bus) left at 2 in the morning, and we had to wait for other hermanas to get to Santa Rosa... I'm going to be working in Santa Rosa with Hna Perdomo and Hna Troval until Wednesday... so we went to bed at like 3... wow, I'm tired. But I'm loving being with these hermanas... Hna Troval is from El Salvador and has such an amazing story. And she speaks English SO WELL. Hna Perdomo is so humble...from Honduras and the only member in her family. I'm just so pumped to be working with them, and so stoked for this transfer with Hna Vawdrey... an AMERICAN! A real live AMERICAN! Haha, she'll think she's lucky to be with an English speaker... but little does she know that I can't speak English anymore. I was talking with Hna Troval in English and I'm pretty sure that she can speak better than I can... hahah.
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Hermans Perdomo y Troval |
- This morning I had to go to Toay with Hna Perdomo to get some stuff. We started talking to a lady that I always cross paths with, she's really sweet and we chat a bit before the collectivo. Well, I was praying for an opportunity to share something about the gospel with her... well, she just started talking about God and His patience with us, and BAM! We started talking about forgiveness and Christ and what He did for us... next thing I know, she's crying. She feels alone and overwhelmed. We tried to get her address, but she said she would look for us... not QUITE her time yet. But I was so amazed at how the Lord just puts people in our paths, RIGHT when they need us.
- I've been thinking a lot about this time in my mission. I'm in my last transfer. I'm the next one to go home. I know the language, I know how to work with the ward, I know how to find, teach and baptize... as Aubrey said, "I'm a big, bad, Spanish speaking missionary"... but when we start thinking we're successful because of US, the blessings stop. The sucess stops. I have realized that I have to constantly rely on the Lord and be worthy of His spirit, to direct me to the people that are being prepared to listen to the gospel. I tried hard to be humble this week... and the Lord prompted me to knock one door, where we found a wonderful young mother, Andrea, and two days later, He guided me to another door, where we found another awesome woman... who turned out to be the Mom of Andrea.They are both SO GREAT.
- Camila is doing well... she came to mutual and loved it!
- We've been teaching a man named Darío... he came to church yesterday, BY HIMSELF! He is really looking for the right path and is so great. Pray for him!
- An hermana is staying with us that just came from one of my old wards. She told me that Tatiana and Erika, my converts are doing SO WELL! So active... and Erika is going to seminary every morning :) I'm SO HAPPY!!!!!!
Shoutouts: KELS I LOVE YOU. Next time I have time, I will write you.
ADRIENNE! Glad you are good! Thanks for writing!
Aunt Lori, thanks for the update, chin up buttercup! And happy bday this week!
Happy bday to Hugo Jr!
Aunt Jeni thanks for the pics and announcement! You are great!
TO ALL FATHERS, especially mine, I hope you had a Happy Father's Day!
Listen everyone. YOU ARE SO GREAT! I LOVE YOU ALL! PORTENSE BIEN!!!!! (behave!)
Hermana Squire
*meditating the scriptures (listen, this was at 10 at NIGHT okay?) and it's a joke...not really sleeping!!!
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My district |
June 10, 2013
Hello all!
Ok, so we had quite the interesting morning today. We came to the cyber and my companion had some pretty strong "lady pains". Like way strong. She started passing out in the cyber and convulsing a little. I think the cyber man about had a heart attack... I was pretty calm... Adrenaline for sure... but yeah. Calm. Good thing I want to study medicine, right? So we called the ambulance and took her to the hospital. Turns out her BP dropped pretty low... but we're all good now.
The guy who was going to do the baptism left on an emergency trip, so we were scrambling to find clothes for the replacement. Then, AT the baptism... this drunk guy shows up (we actually ran into him on the street a few nights ago... homeless... member from another providence... loves wine....) and was just hanging out. After the baptism he sang us a little song "la mujer, si no la cuides se te va!" (a woman, if you don't take care of her, she leaves"...") I just wanted to put my face in my hands and LAUGH. Then, only 5 members showed up. BOO. That made me so sad.
THEN! The kids were being little DEMONS! So we went in the hallway during the service and took pictures.
WHAT A BAPTISM RIGHT? We had to buy ice cream after that to recover. But, the good thing is that she is BAPTIZED AND CONFIRMED.
The Lord and His missionaries: 1. Satan: 0
- Anabela's 12 year old NIECE came to the baptism... she's gone to church in Santa Rosa a few times and loved it... and SHE CAME TO CHURCH WITH US YESTERDAY! Her mom is cool with us teaching her... so we will. She's coming to mutual this Saturday. WOO!
- We are trying to find Laura again... she is such a great girl! We had a lesson this week about the values of the youth and she told us that her friends try and pressure her to smoke but she always says no... she is SO GREAT I tell you!
- So this is the LAST week of the transfer.... supposedly there are a lot of new hermanas to come in... President might have me train again... but who knows.... I think this because in my last interview he told me "Hermana Squire... the mission cannot be without sister missionaries who know how to work like you do", so I think they're gonna get me again and that's o.k. But that's my guess... who knows what the Lord has in store for my last transfer.
Happy Bday to JULIE SERNA AND ELLY BELLY! Hope you have great days!
Thank you Tio Hector for the email... glad all is well.
CORB you are the best.
TAHNEE! I died with those pics! I love ya, miss beauty queen.
Listen everyone. You are all SO GREAT and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
Guess what?
I love being a missionary. I love the gospel. I love my Savior.
Have a great week.Hermana Squire
June 3, 2013
Puke Patrol
Well hello there my little goobers!
How's life? Well... there's not much to report this week because my comp has been a little under the weather. First she got a cold... fever... cough, body aches... so at times she was dying in the streets and weak, so we had to stop by the house to let her rest. THEN, yesterday she got really sick. I'm pretty sure it was food poisoning... we were walking and she was like "ahhh I feel really sick"...
How's life? Well... there's not much to report this week because my comp has been a little under the weather. First she got a cold... fever... cough, body aches... so at times she was dying in the streets and weak, so we had to stop by the house to let her rest. THEN, yesterday she got really sick. I'm pretty sure it was food poisoning... we were walking and she was like "ahhh I feel really sick"...
We stopped by a members house and she basically had a throwing up fest. So basically, all of yesterday, we were in the house and she was just puking like a champ. But, I think she's all good now! Hopefully, cuz I didn't sleep too well last night either... being on puke patrol and whatnot. So pray for her health!
- SO GOOD NEWS!! Anabela is getting baptized this Saturday! WAHOOO! She really is SO prepared. When we taught her the law of chastity... her face... ahhh she was so heartbroken to know that she had gone against the commandments... (she had her 3 kids out of wedlock) but was SO happy to know she could be forgiven. True doctrine, UNDERSTOOD, changes attitudes. She understood with her HEART and wants to change. Read Daniel 10:11-12 (mom paste it on here) Love this girl.
11 And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly a beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.
12 Then said he unto me, a Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst b set thine heart to understand, and to c chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were d heard, and I am come for thy words.
- This week we had some crazy wind. BOO WIND. Dirt in mouth and eyes! Bleh! There was some crazy weather because of a volcano in the south or something. Que sé yo...(what do I know)..... I don't watch the news.
- Other than that we have had some pretty nice weather for it being almost winter time. It's not too hot, not too cold... all you really need is a light jacket... (Miss Congeniality... I'm kinda funny still.....I hope) :-)
- SO! We also found a really great woman... Susana... she was a contact from forever ago, and we felt we needed to keep passing by until she let us in... haha. AND SHE DID! After the lesson she told us that we brought so much peace into her home... true stuff people... the gospel brings peace into our homes and our lives!
- So Kris, I was thinking about your question about how to strengthen our testimonies and help them grow. My testimony has grown IMMENSELY these past 16 months. And I'm gonna share with you all the secret to my success... and to ALL missionaries' successes... my testimony has grown from 3 basic things:
1. Diligent Scripture Study- DIVING into the scriptures has helped me so much... and then APPLYING THEM. Keep a study journal. Read diligently EVERY DAY. Before the mission, when the Ensign came I was like, "cool, the Ensign". Now I'm like "IT´S CHRISTMAS!!!" And even more so with the conference editions. They are like my prized possession. Eat those babies up, people. MODERN DAY SCRIPTURE!
2. Fervent Prayer- Don't get into a routine with your prayers. Need help? Read the talk by Elder Wirthlin: Improving Our Prayers. Changed my life.
3. Serving others and the Lord with love- Self explanatory. When we serve others, we serve God. Pray for opportunities to serve.
WELL HELLO THERE DUNN FAMILY! My mother just sent your family pics and can we just say MODELS? Love y'all.
Happy birthday this week to Gail Berry and to Elizabeth Squire.
Megan Davis! Congrats on graduating! Woo!
And to Ally, Syd and Jessica... in my mind you three will always be 10 years old... I can't believe you all are graduated. I'm OLD.
Kris! Thanks for the email. I love you.
TAHNEE YOU ARE THE BEST. I LOVED YOUR EMAIL. AND My WORD those pics just killed me. YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. Send me more when you get them.
Texas people: HELLO!!
SERNA CREW! Thanks for the letter Robert, and thank you for the sweet things you wrote... in my heart I will always be Sister Squire!! Give the Serna Squirts a big Cydnee Squeeze :)
Hiatts... I can't believe that Mikael is in driver´s ed. WHAT THE??
And a very special shoutout to Mikayla McChesney and fam... good luck in the MTC! And it's okay to think the first night "what did I get myself into"... everyone thinks that! But you will be great! Argentina needs Hermana McChesney right now!!
Listen, I just love you all soooo much! Thanks for the support.
Hermana Squire
( Meisha, Jill, Jenn and Suzie: I wanted to share this email of Cydnee's with you, since it specifically mentioned your daughters. :-))
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