May 26, 2011

this guy

 meet my adopted brother, ashton. we've known each other for about six years, and our families are really tight friends. this pic was taken in hawaii, when we were 16 and 17.

 ashton just got back last week from serving a two year mission in houston, texas. we missed him so much! 
welcome home, ashton! i can't wait for all the new adventures.

alright, many of you have heard of the 30 day song challenge that some peeps on fbook are doing. well, i decided to do it on the blog here, you know, since i love music (hence the title 'the soundtrack').

day 1: your favorite song
boo this one. i have way too many favorite songs. but, i'm going to have to choose beirut's postcards from italy. simply love. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the picture of you guys with the sunglasses!! My how quickly time passes!
