November 28, 2011

Can We Talk Breaking Dawn?

 Shall we talk about this terribleness they called a movie?

 The Awkwards:

- First off, I thought that the content in the movie could have been covered in an hour, not two.
- Edward in shorts? *shudder
- Did anyone else notice that Edward was in the sun half of the movie and we never saw one fleck of glimmer on him? Excuse me, I thought vampires sparkled in the sun.
- Don't get me started on when the werewolves communicate. There was some serious Transformer voices going on there. Could. Not. Stop. Laughing. I was also squirming with the awkwardness.
- I was not a fan of seeing Bella emaciated the entire movie. She looked disgusting.
- Three places I almost barfed: 1. Seeing the blood stain on Bella's teeth. 2. Breaking the back of Bella. 3. The birthing scene.
- How about that terrible pre-wedding dream? I'm still squirming.
- The honeymoon scene. Cringe. 
- The spiderman-esque scenes showing the venom taking over her body.
- The wedding kiss. I mean, wedding make-out. Get a room.
- When Bella walked down the aisle, you couldn't tell if she was nervous, confused, or constipated.
- Jacob explaining imprinting. Hilarious.

The Awesomes:
- Jacob.
- Bella looks pretty as a vampire.
- Jessica's maid of honor speech. Actually that whole scene was pretty great.

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