January 7, 2013

HELLOOOOOOO 2013!!!!!!!!!!

HELLLOOO everyone!!!
I'm glad that you all made it to the New Year and that the world didn't end. People kept asking us, so... "what's gonna happen on Dec 21??" And we're like... "honestly... nothing."
- So New Years was pretty pathetic. We didn't get invited anywhere,  so after we worked, we just came home. We ended up awake at midnight and we went outside all bundled up because it was FREEZING and waited for fireworks. It was kinda lame to be honest...We couldn't even open the bubbly that we got! So we were just like FORGET IT! And we went to bed. 

- We had a Zone Conference this week, and as usual, it was amazing. Presidente talked about how we can become leaders... all through:
1. desires 2. imitating (like Christ imitated the Father) 3. Obedience 4. Service. Know what that spells out DIOS (God). It is all about trying to follow Christ and become like Him. We also did a bunch of practices with 2 members and Presidente and Hermana. It was a great day! We also talked about setting goals. When we don't set goals, it means that we are SCARED and VAGUE. We are submitting more to the natural man and less to the Holy Spirit (Mosiah 3:19). I challenge you all to set goals this year that are going to make you stretch a little and work to be a better person.

- Tomorrow we have DIVISIONS! Hermana Ermacora is coming here from Dorrego and we are gonna have a blast! I'm stoked!

- We went to teach Barbara this week, and she had a note on the fridge "orar para la comida" (pray for the food). She said she had made it a New Years goal to pray as a family to bless the food. I was super impressed! HOW did I get blessed with such great converts? I have no idea. The girls I baptized here are 14, 13, and 11, but are so willing to be obedient. I used to be hesitant about baptizing kids, but when you have a primary and young women's program that rally around new converts, they feel welcomed and part of the family. I feel so blessed. 

- Quickly... I was reading the Liahona about the Book of Mormon... it's Oct 2010 I think... But it's GREAT! There's an article by Elder Bednar: "Lehi's dream, Holding Fast to the Rod" That I LOVED! He focuses on three groups of people. The 2nd group made it to the tree of life by "clinging to the rod". But they were embarrassed and eventually fell away.We all know that the rod is the Word of God... or the scriptures. Elder Bednar says that perhaps they only studied the scriptures occasionaly, or had bursts of study rather than consistently studying. Then he explained the third group: "In verse 30 we read about a third group of people who pressed forward “continually holding fast to the rod of iron, until they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree.” The key phrase in this verse iscontinually holding fast to the rod of iron.
The third group also pressed forward with faith and conviction; however, there is no indication that they wandered off, fell into forbidden paths, or were lost. Perhaps this third group of people consistently read and studiedand searched the scriptures. Perhaps it was diligence and devotion to a seemingly “small and simple [thing]” (Alma 37:6) that saved the third group from perishing. Perhaps it was “the knowledge of the Lord” and “the knowledge of the truth” (Alma 23:5, 6) obtained through faithful study of the scriptures that yielded the spiritual gift of humility—such that this group of people “fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree” (1 Nephi 8:30; emphasis added). Perhaps it was the spiritual nourishment and strength provided by continually “feasting upon the word of Christ” (2 Nephi 31:20) that enabled this group to heed not the scorning and mocking of the people in the great and spacious building (see 1 Nephi 8:33). This is the group you and I should strive to join."
My dear family and friends, are you "clinging" to the iron rod or are you "continually holding fast". I hope it's the latter. Please do not forget the small and simple things like reading your scriptures. They are the simple things that people think are so simple that they don't have to do them. But I'm begging you to PLEASE DO THEM! Study the scriptures every day. Write down your impressions. Don't be like the people of Moses who only had to look at the brass serpent, but because it was so easy they didn't and perished. Don't let a simple thing like reading your scriptures keep you from exhalation. 

Shoutouts: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Elder Kelly today! WOO! 
And a big Happy Birthday and besito de Argentina this week toooo.... Adriana Ibarra, Clint, Miss Anna Dunn, Brendyn Hiatt, Uncle Scott, annnnd RACHELLE GRIFFITHS! Hope you all have great bdays! 
Adrienne, thanks for the email! Yes, I got your pkg this week! Thank you so much! 
Aunt Jeni! Thanks for the email and the update on my amazing cousins! Cant wait to see how much they've grown!  

Hermana Sqweeray (that's what Hna Ermacora calls me for fun)  :-)

#1 Hna Gomez and I went to lunch using dad's Christmas money! Thanks Dad! 
Yummm!!!!  Strawberries and cream!!! It's been 11 months since I've eaten strawberries... 

#2  keeping up with Argentine fashion while shopping today. mmmhmm

#3   Hey, I finally gave myself a little pedicure.... don't worry, I'm not sunburned!! :-)

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