January 14, 2013

I'm in an OVEN. A hot, HUMID Oven.

Hello all you mighty fine lookin' people,

I am going to take a little space to complain about the heat. Then I won't mention it again. Ok? ok. I am in an OVEN!!! This last week was the hottest that it's ever been!!!! 100 degrees with sensacion termica of 104!!!! I thought I was going to 1) pass out, 2) throw up 3) die or 4) all three at once. I'm not joking!! The sun is SUPER strong and it's so humid!! I feel like I'm breathing in vapor. And NO ONE IS AWAKE OR IN THE STREETS FROM 2-5! So we just die in the streets! We have to take shelter sometimes in a home of a member, or menos activo because my blood pressure drops and I feel pretty weak.  It's pretty dangerous sometimes. I know missionaries have gotten heat stroke. It's gotten up to 88 degrees IN our room at night and we sleep with 2 fans, one on me, and one on Hna Gomez. So yeah. It's been pretty bad. The end.

-OK!!!  So last Monday, we had a great noche de hogar (family home evening) with the familia Saghin! THEY ARE THE BEST PEOPLE EVER!! I LOVE THEM. Mom, they loved your gifts by the way. I JUST WANNA TAKE THEM HOME!!!!! Dad, they love that you restore cars. 
That same day, we found Corina. She was a street contact and the first time we went to her house she said, "wanna come in?" And we're like... "ummm... SURE!" Haha, it's so surprising when that happens. When people invite me in I always stand there like... "wait,..... what? Really?"  It's like a Christmas miracle every time! So she's in her 30s, not married, but is very attentive in the lessons. She has got a lot of potential, and I'm excited to see her progress. Pray that she gets her answer. 

- This week we did divisions and Hermana Ermacora came to Villa Mitre! woo!! This girl is a hoot and a half and I seriously almost peed my pants every day. We worked really hard (except for 20 minutes one day, when we thought we were about to fall over in the street because of the heat, so we sat under a tree) and laughed really hard. I hope I get to serve again with her one day. If not, we're going home together in July so we'll be able to see each other again. Um is it just me or does July seem really, really soon? What the heck?

-So this is the last week of the transfer. If you wanna pray for me, pray for 1) that my body will survive this heat and 2) that I will get transferred. I already have 4 transfers here and this next one is 9 weeks long (they are normally 6) to accommodate the flood of new missionaries. I WILL DIE IF I HAVE TO BE HERE THAT LONG. DIE I TELL YOU! I love these people and the members but I NEED A CHANGE! I have memorized this tiny place! I walk down the street and point at houses... testigo, evangelico, viejito that said "no", x investigator, menos activos that don't want anything to do with the church.. etc. I NEED A CHANGE! PRAY HARD!  PLEASE!

Ok, So I read a talk by Pres. Ezra Taft Benson... It's "The book of Mormon, the Keystone to Our Religion." It is amazing. Go read it. He talked about how the Lord views this sacred work, and I had never really thought about it too deeply, but he makes the point that the only thing that preceded the coming forth of the Book of Mormon was the first vision. It came forth before the restoration of the priesthood, and before the church was organized. The saints were chastised because they were taking too lightly this "new covenant" (DyC 84: 54-57...i think). Here's a quote: "Do eternal consequences rest upon our response to this book? Yes, either to our blessing or our condemnation. Every Latter-day Saint should make the study of this book a lifetime pursuit. Otherwise he is placing his soul in jeopardy and neglecting that which could give spiritual and intellectual unity to his whole life. There is a difference between a convert who is built on the rock of Christ through the Book of Mormon and stays hold of that iron rod, and one who is not". WAHPUH!! My family and friends! Are you studying the Book of Mormon as fervently as you should? If you are not, is President Benson's warning enough to put a fire under your bum? I hope SO!

-Shoutouts: LUCAS BOY!!!! Happy 1st Birthday! Su primer aƱito! Also, Happy birthday to ADRIENNE this week! Woo one  year younger!! Then Happy Birthday to Lauren Platt! I hope you all have great days. I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you for the prayers and support.

Hermana Squire

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