January 19, 2012

Here's One for the Dark Lord

I'll explain the title in a minute, don't you worry. A few nights ago, Haddy and I took Rachelle to CPK for a late Birthday dinner. The evening was spent laughing obnoxiously loud (we are so funny). We were taking pictures and Rachelle said that her dad used to say "Here's one for the dart board" while posing for a pic. Well, I thought she said "Here's one for the Dark Lord" (I'm reading HP right now... of course I thought she was referring to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named). We laughed our faces off at that. Man, I have some pretty great friends.
Lovely Rachelle with her gifts

Port of Call by Beirut on Grooveshark

1 comment:

  1. Cydnee, you have the best friends, ever. I love them all.
    Thanks to all of you that are now a part of our family unit!
    "Dark Lord.." cracked me up!
