Well hello there my little goobers!
How's life? Well... there's not much to report this week because my comp has been a little under the weather. First she got a cold... fever... cough, body aches... so at times she was dying in the streets and weak, so we had to stop by the house to let her rest. THEN, yesterday she got really sick. I'm pretty sure it was food poisoning... we were walking and she was like "ahhh I feel really sick"...
We stopped by a members house and she basically had a throwing up fest. So basically, all of yesterday, we were in the house and she was just puking like a champ. But, I think she's all good now! Hopefully, cuz I didn't sleep too well last night either... being on puke patrol and whatnot. So pray for her health!
- SO GOOD NEWS!! Anabela is getting baptized this Saturday! WAHOOO! She really is SO prepared. When we taught her the law of chastity... her face... ahhh she was so heartbroken to know that she had gone against the commandments... (she had her 3 kids out of wedlock) but was SO happy to know she could be forgiven. True doctrine, UNDERSTOOD, changes attitudes. She understood with her HEART and wants to change. Read Daniel 10:11-12 (mom paste it on here) Love this girl.
11 And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly
a, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.
12 Then said he unto me,
a, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst
b thine heart to understand, and to
c before thy God, thy words were
d, and I am come for thy words.
- This week we had some crazy wind. BOO WIND. Dirt in mouth and eyes! Bleh! There was some crazy weather because of a volcano in the south or something. Que sé yo...(what do I know)..... I don't watch the news.
- Other than that we have had some pretty nice weather for it being almost winter time. It's not too hot, not too cold... all you really need is a light jacket... (Miss Congeniality... I'm kinda funny still.....I hope) :-)
- SO! We also found a really great woman... Susana... she was a contact from forever ago, and we felt we needed to keep passing by until she let us in... haha. AND SHE DID! After the lesson she told us that we brought so much peace into her home... true stuff people... the gospel brings peace into our homes and our lives!
- So Kris, I was thinking about your question about how to strengthen our testimonies and help them grow. My testimony has grown IMMENSELY these past 16 months. And I'm gonna share with you all the secret to my success... and to ALL missionaries' successes... my testimony has grown from 3 basic things:
1. Diligent Scripture Study- DIVING into the scriptures has helped me so much... and then APPLYING THEM. Keep a study journal. Read diligently EVERY DAY. Before the mission, when the Ensign came I was like, "cool, the Ensign". Now I'm like "IT´S CHRISTMAS!!!" And even more so with the conference editions. They are like my prized possession. Eat those babies up, people. MODERN DAY SCRIPTURE!
2. Fervent Prayer- Don't get into a routine with your prayers. Need help? Read the talk by Elder Wirthlin: Improving Our Prayers. Changed my life.
3. Serving others and the Lord with love- Self explanatory. When we serve others, we serve God. Pray for opportunities to serve.
WELL HELLO THERE DUNN FAMILY! My mother just sent your family pics and can we just say MODELS? Love y'all.
Happy birthday this week to Gail Berry and to Elizabeth Squire.
Megan Davis! Congrats on graduating! Woo!
And to Ally, Syd and Jessica... in my mind you three will always be 10 years old... I can't believe you all are graduated. I'm OLD.
Kris! Thanks for the email. I love you.
TAHNEE YOU ARE THE BEST. I LOVED YOUR EMAIL. AND My WORD those pics just killed me. YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. Send me more when you get them.
Texas people: HELLO!!
SERNA CREW! Thanks for the letter Robert, and thank you for the sweet things you wrote... in my heart I will always be Sister Squire!! Give the Serna Squirts a big Cydnee Squeeze :)
Hiatts... I can't believe that Mikael is in driver´s ed. WHAT THE??
And a very special shoutout to Mikayla McChesney and fam... good luck in the MTC! And it's okay to think the first night "what did I get myself into"... everyone thinks that! But you will be great! Argentina needs Hermana McChesney right now!!
Listen, I just love you all soooo much! Thanks for the support.
Hermana Squire
( Meisha, Jill, Jenn and Suzie: I wanted to share this email of Cydnee's with you, since it specifically mentioned your daughters. :-))