-OK I know you're all DYING to know who my companion is. Well here you go. Her name is Hermana Batista. She's frommmmm........ PANAMA!!! doo doo dooo PANAMA-HA. doo doo doo PANAMA!!! doo dooo PANAMA-HA! (please tell me you're all singing Van Halen right now... dad, are you super proud of me that I knew that Van Halen sings that song?!! ) I really have been singing that song in my head for the past few days. Not good to have an 80´s rock song in your head while trying to preach the gospel. :-)
-OK I know you're all DYING to know who my companion is. Well here you go. Her name is Hermana Batista. She's frommmmm........ PANAMA!!! doo doo dooo PANAMA-HA. doo doo doo PANAMA!!! doo dooo PANAMA-HA! (please tell me you're all singing Van Halen right now... dad, are you super proud of me that I knew that Van Halen sings that song?!! ) I really have been singing that song in my head for the past few days. Not good to have an 80´s rock song in your head while trying to preach the gospel. :-)
ANYWAY! She´s 26, and the only member in her family, in fact, her mom didn't even want her to go on a mission. BUT SHE´S HERE! She got baptized 2 years ago. Hna Batista is very sweet and ready to work and study and practice. And that´s really all you can ask for as a trainer. And I'm STOKED to improve my Spanish!
- Speaking of training... HI! I'M A TRAINER NOW: What the? Everyone says that you really learn so much and you surprise yourself with how much you really do know. And that has happened exactly. I have to explain a lot of things and I surprise myself with my knowledge. I'm like "hey, I can do this. I know how to be a missionary." We had a capacitación on Wednesday (what's that in English? workshop? English skills= waning) and the A.P.'s (**assistants to the President) talked to us about how great our responsibility is as trainers to help these new missionaries develop the skills necessary to become EXCELLENT missionaries. I was freaking out like almost the whole time. Especially since everyone there had already trained or had a year in the mission. I thought "WAHHH THIS MISSIONARY´S FUTURE IS IN MY HANNNDDDSS!" Can you tell Presidente to PRAY AGAIN? I think he received the revelation wrong. But all the office Elders were just way nice to me and said, "Hermana, Presidente didn't choose you, GOD DID! You are CAPA! You can DO THIS! You will be FINE!" Ha, so then I calmed down. I wasn't necessarily freaking out but I guess I had a look of terror and stress on my face. BUT I'm doing great now. I love training. And I love that we get this extra time to study and practice.
- Speaking of training... HI! I'M A TRAINER NOW: What the? Everyone says that you really learn so much and you surprise yourself with how much you really do know. And that has happened exactly. I have to explain a lot of things and I surprise myself with my knowledge. I'm like "hey, I can do this. I know how to be a missionary." We had a capacitación on Wednesday (what's that in English? workshop? English skills= waning) and the A.P.'s (**assistants to the President) talked to us about how great our responsibility is as trainers to help these new missionaries develop the skills necessary to become EXCELLENT missionaries. I was freaking out like almost the whole time. Especially since everyone there had already trained or had a year in the mission. I thought "WAHHH THIS MISSIONARY´S FUTURE IS IN MY HANNNDDDSS!" Can you tell Presidente to PRAY AGAIN? I think he received the revelation wrong. But all the office Elders were just way nice to me and said, "Hermana, Presidente didn't choose you, GOD DID! You are CAPA! You can DO THIS! You will be FINE!" Ha, so then I calmed down. I wasn't necessarily freaking out but I guess I had a look of terror and stress on my face. BUT I'm doing great now. I love training. And I love that we get this extra time to study and practice.
-Ok, JTs "Sexy Back" song is now playing in the cyber. Hna Vawdrey and I just exchanged looks and now we can't stop laughing. I love Argentina and their love for American music. They ask me to translate sometimes and I'm like... "Um. No. I'm not translating THAT!"
- Well. We don´t have any investigators that are progressing. We have a few that need to get married though. We are really struggling finding people that will progress and COME TO THE DANG CHURCH!!! My word. I feel like I have been working really hard and being obedient but I'm not seeing any fruits from my labors. I'm not seeing any baptisms. It's tough when all your leaders are like BAPTIZE! BAPTIZE! BAPTIZE! and you're like what am I doing wrong? It's a little discouraging, but you gotta keep going. Gotta keep knocking on those doors and stopping people in the street, hoping to find the ones who are ready. The ones who have been praying for you to come and help them change their lives. But in the meantime, you gotta take those doors that are shut in your face, people talking to you from their windows, and LOTS of rejections. I was reading in Alma 5 (LOVE THIS CHAPTER) and in verses
14-15 And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts? 15 Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith, and view this mortal body raised in immortality, and this corruption raised in incorruption, to stand before God to be judged according to the deeds which have been done in the mortal body?"
I have realized that is what I need to do. I need to look forward with an eye of faith and keep going, having faith that the Lord will put people in my path that need me.
-Also in that chapter, it talks about humility in vs 26-29
-Also in that chapter, it talks about humility in vs 26-29
"26 And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now? 27 Have ye walked, keeping yourselves blameless before God? Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time, within yourselves, that ye have been sufficiently humble? That your garments have been cleansed and made white through the blood of Christ, who will come to redeem his people from their sins? 28 Behold, are ye stripped of pride? I say unto you, if ye are not ye are not prepared to meet God. Behold ye must prepare quickly; for the kingdom of heaven is soon at hand, and such an one hath not eternal life.29 Behold, I say, is there one among you who is not stripped of envy? I say unto you that such an one is not prepared; and I would that he should prepare quickly, for the hour is close at hand, and he knoweth not when the time shall come; for such an one is not found guiltless."
Being a trainer has made me realize that I have to rely on the Lord more. It was like when I was made trainer, it was the Lord's way of saying, Ok Hermana Squire, enough relying on yourself. It's time to rely on Me. I've spent a lot more time on my knees, praying for help and guidance, and for strength to take on the day. I need the Lord's direction every day, so I can receive the inspiration of where to go and who we should see. Being humble is not a sign of weakness.
-SHOUTOUTS: Adrienne, got your email THANK YOU! LOVE YOU! Fernuiks, thank you for the bday card!!
And to Sister Thurman and Brianna Hall this week!
Love ya! Peeps, next time you get this, I´ll be one year older (and hopefully wiser too). HAVE A GREAT WEEK AND KNOW I LOVE YA!!
Hey. Work hard, and pray harder. P.S. now they are playing Lady Gaga. WOO.
Hermana Squire
Dad, can't wait for Mustang Monthly! Love ya!!!
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Mi Nueva Compañera: Hermana Batista de Panama!! |