March 16, 2012

Cabin Fever!!!

Como estan? First off, HAPPY 33rd ANNIVERSARY to my wonderful parents! I love them SO much. They are the BEST examples, as you all know, and it's because of their influence, teachings, and nurturing that I am here today.
Well I can't believe I'm writing again. This week flew by. It was kinda a rough week, to be honest. All of us in one way or another lost our marbles. WE WANT OUT! I want to leave the MTC sooo bad! I love it here, but I want to get to the field!! Looks like I need to work on being patient this week... because it is 98% sure that our visas will be delayed. They are having delays with Mexico and Argentina visas, and a lot of us...mostly all of us... are getting delayed. It is likely that we will stay here a few extra weeks. We have no idea on the progress of our visas, and no way of knowing until the day before we leave. We'll get travel plans on Thursday, which gives us a seat on the plane, but we can't go if we don't have our visas :( So that was a bit of discouraging news, but we all have been praying and fasting hard to get our visas. The travel office said they are getting 6 visas PER DAY! For like 100 missionaries that need to leave! Ah man, the Argentina missionaries could use some of your prayers.
- So I was horribly sick almost half of the week. I'm not sure what it was, but the doctor just told me to take sutafed and I would be fine. I WASN'T FINE! My nose was so runny and yucky and my head felt like it was going to explode. I got sent back to the residency almost every day (Sat-Wed) by our teachers to go sleep. I wanted to stay and study, but I was grateful for the rest. I'm feeling SO MUCH better now, so don't worry!
- We got a new district this week... all going to Argentina! They're going to be a good group of Elders, I know it. I got the opportunity to help the ZL's out with orientation, and they are all excited to be here. On Monday, TWO of our districts leave! The newer district is going off to Columbia MTC and the district above us will be headed out to Columbia and Lubbock! So WE will be the oldest district in our zone! Crazy! We'll get another district this week, so our zone won't be super small for long. We also get to host next Wed, which means we get to shuttle the brand-spankin new missionaries around the MTC! I feel so old!!
- Hermano Romney told me about BYU's miracle win when we were down by 25 points. He said angels came down and helped us! GO COUGS! But then I was sad to hear that we lost to Marquette. :( I miss cougar basketball!
- This week we had Elder Cardon of the 70 come speak to us. I swear, that man is going to be a part of the 12 one day. SO INSPIRIED and SO AMAZING! He told us to always remember that we are VALIANT sons and daughters of God. The adversary will try to convince us otherwise, but we have to always remember that we are sons and daughters of a KING and we have divine potential!
- This week, I have been studying the power and authority that missionaries have. I never realized how much we actually have! We are LITERAL representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ and we have the power to act in His name! If we are prompted to promise someone something, and if they take that promise to the Lord, it will be granted to them! The calling of a missionary is SO amazing and SO powerful. We are given special certificates that say we are authorized to minister and preach the gospel in our countries! So cool! Every day I am honored to put on my plaque that says that I am a representative of Jesus Christ.
- Ruben and Sergio get baptized a week from Saturday! They are doing so great and I love teaching them. The spirit guides our lessons and we teach what they need to hear. It is an amazing thing.
- Supposedly David Archuleta is in the MTC right now? I have no idea. I haven't seen him, nor do I know where he is going. It's ridiculous how many rumors are going around about him.
- Shoutouts: Anna and Dave: AHHHH I LOVE YOU BOTH! Thank you for the email and picture! I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU! Tio Hector- congrats on retirement! You deserve it for all your hard work! Tahnee- bout time you wrote me. ;) Love you and thank you for the laughs :) Paige- light wash painter pants and new balance sneakers... seriously almost died! Never stop writing me stuff like that. Kristen- I would love to see a picture of you wrestling Paige. Please email that to me sometime! I love you and I hope you are still enjoying massaging the gluteals of the football team! Bud- THANK YOU for writing to me! I was so excited to see I had a dearelder from you. Thank you so much for the advice, you are great!
- I love you all and am so excited to start this work in Argentina. I seriously am DYING to get out there. Thank you all so much for the prayers and the support. It means the world to me. Quiero compartir mi testimonio con ustedes: Yo se que esta iglesia es verdadera. El Libro de Mormon contiene las palabras de Dios. Jose Smith fue un profeta y tradujo El Libro de Mormon. Jesucristo es mi salvador y mi redentor y estoy MUY agradacida por el ejemplo de el. Estoy MUY MUY MUY agradacida por la oportunidad ser una misionera. Esta obra es la obra de El Senor. Les Quiero mucho mi familia y amigos!
Besos y Abrazos,
Hermana Squire

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