July 1, 2013


What's up my people!
All right, so there's not TOO much to report this week and I'll tell you why.

- Remember when I told y'all I was sick? Well, after I left the cyber on Monday we started to work. We walked for a little bit, and then my intestines started freaking out! I seriously was doubled over in the street... I think I freaked out my companion... so we went home. That night was probably the worst night ever... I had a 101 fever and my intestines were tying themselves in knots. I have never felt such intense pain. I was SO THIRSTY but every time I drank, my stomach went in knots and it went right through me. I didn't sleep all night. It was terrible. In the morning, I called some members, and they came over. They gave me a blessing and then took me to the hospital. I had gone my WHOLE MISSION without going to the hospital and without major health problems... and I did NOT want to go to the hospital in Argentina. They're so sketchy... blood on the floor, dogs inside...So luckily this one wasn't so bad. But we waited forever... so these sweet members used their OWN insurance and took me to see a private practice doctor in a clinic. I felt so blessed to have them take care of me. Well, basically the doctor said that I had a stomach flu like virus (ummm, sure.) and I needed to drink fluids and stay in bed. So that's what I did until Thursday. SO BORED! Hna Vawdrey got a cold so she was sick too... we just chilled in bed all bored and stuff (there are only SO MANY times I can watch the Joseph Smith Movie)... and me running to the bathroom every hour or so... yeah we couldn't do much work. I kept thinking, "one day I'm gonna look back at this experience and laugh... but today is not that day!" I may or may not have said many times "I want my mom!!" haha. So, after five days of being sick and five pounds lost... I'm all better now :)

This whole experience made me SO frustrated. I had never been sick like this in the mission... and just when I'm catching speed and the finish line is in sight... I fall flat on my face. So I struggled with these feelings of frustration this week... but I know everything happens for a reason. I could complain about it... but complaining doesn't get me anywhere. In fact, I could whine about a lot of stuff on the mission, my back hurts, my feet hurt, I'm exhausted, or that I didn't get along amazingly with a companion, the work is tough, etc... the list could go on and on. 
But I always remember, I CHOSE to be here, I WANT to be here. Whining and a bad attitude doesn't help anything or anyone. 
So, I've learned it's just better to get an attitude adjustment, put on your big girl/or big boy pants, and just forget about YOU, YOU,YOU, YOU, YOU and start thinking about everyone else. If not, you'll just be miserable for 18 months to two years, doing something that is hard and you don't like. 

That is probably the most valuable thing I have learned in the mission, and a hard lesson I had to learn right off the bat. Alright, I´ll step off my soap box now. :)

- Oh, then on Thursday night we had to travel to Bahía to renew my visa, so basically we had Saturday and Sunday to work... ha, so yeah, our numbers were really great. (not)

- So about the cat... we had a cat follow us home one night... yup a cat. It looked hungry so we gave it some leftover pizza, and it left. No biggie, right? That was on Saturday... THIS MORNING, I find the very same cat in our back porch! What the! It is all fenced in and we have NO idea how it got back there! We named him Mishy... that´s what everyone calls cats here... it´s like kitty. Here´s a pic of him trying to get into the house.
-SHOUTOUTS!  Happy Bday BJ Serna!!! 
To Hna McChesney, I'm jealous you got to see my mom! I'm happy that you are well and happy, can't wait to hear about you "tearin'  it up in mi pais." (**pais=country)
Mission prep kids! Study PMG! Go visit my parents! They love YOU! 

Go have some fun in the sun. 
I´ll just slowly turn whiter and whiter... no big.

I love you all!

Hermana Vawdrey

Improvised Backpacks

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