April 6, 2011

kelsey: to happiness

here's kelsey. she's kinda one of my best friends. i met her in fall semester and became besties super fast. we have similar personalities and sense of humor, and we are constantly laughing at each other. this summer, we get to go to the UK and study abroad together! then, in the fall, we are going to be roommates. could it get any better?

i thought it was about time to have kelsey give me her list of things that make her oh-so happy. or rather, she asked why i haven't featured her in my happy posts yet. so here you go kels, thanks for giving me 15 things, too.

kelsey: to hapiness

1. DC (diet coke)
2. small animals (i.e. petite lap giraffe)
3. new notebooks with cute covers
4. painted toenails
5. teaching 3 year olds ballet
6. pink tights
7. flowy skirts that you spin in
8. letters from NC
9. when people say my hair looks longer (hint, hint)
11. rainy weather
12. when my sister texts me random movie quotes
13. temple tuesdays
14. reading (when it's not for school)
15. the smell of spring

thanks kels. you are definitely the best. i have a feeling we'll be besties until we die. i can see us now, 80 years old and in our rockers, complaining about our recent hip replacements or bragging about our grandkids. yup, friends forever.

gosh, i absolutely love this song.