April 23, 2012

Fotos & Investigadora de Oro! (Photos & Golden Investigator!)

23 abril 2012


Oh man, we are now in week four of the transfer and I cannot believe it!! WHAT! WHERE has the time gone? Seriously. Fall is here and it is chilly. Mornings and nights are a funny thing in our house. Our little home has giant cracks in it (that´s how that monster spider got into our house) and so it is really cold when it's dark. So we all are walking around like eskimos and warming our hands by our gas heater. Oh, the adventures of the mission! AND I FINALLY AM ABLE TO SEND PICTURES! We have to go to the church and do it there and it takes approximately a million years to download one, but I hope you all enjoy them.
- ANALIA- OH MY LANDS. She is my golden investigator!! We found her and her two kids in the calle (street) after we had fasted. The 11 year old, Abby is a member, and Rodrigo is 9. We went to visit her and she told us that before Abby´s baptism, they were homeless in Mar Del Plata, and only got food when people would give it to them. Then the missionaries found and baptized Abby. After that, they got a house, she got work, then they moved to Pringles and she got pregnant after trying for 8 years (she´s six months along). She said that recently she was feeling that she needed to change, and started praying. A few days later we met her. She started crying and said that she knew that was a sign from God that this was the way she needed to go. I just sat there in amazement at how everything played out. We were all sitting there crying, the spirit was so strong. She bore testimony of how we need to learn from trials and that God´s hand is always in our lives. GOLDEN, RIGHT?! Her fecha, and Rodrigo´s is for the 13th of May, the last day of the transfer. We are praying she can get married to her pareja(partner) by then. PRAY FOR HER TOO! My goodness, I love her. We are also going to work with her menos activo brother, Filipe and his señora. He went inactive after his son died, said he would never go to church again and never would pray again. He came into our lesson as we were finishing, and not knowing the circumstances, only that he was inactive, asked him to pray. He offered such a beautiful prayer and Analia told us her testimony was strengthed because she saw that her brother was changing too. So excited to work with this family!
- Julieta was not baptized. We had a noche de hogar(FHE) for the youth in the branch, and only she and Enrique showed up. We had a good talk with her about not waiting for the blessings that will come from baptism, but she still wants Enrique to do it. I could just shake Enrique right now! He´s not doing his part, he doesnt come to church in his white shirt and tie and doesn´t participate in activities. We are going to work on them both and work on a plan. So frustrating, but hopefully we can baptize her soon.
- Funny stories: We had just finished teaching a lesson with a 14 year old girl and her friend in their house when her 4 year old little brother came in and puked EVERYWHERE. I was surprised that I reacted so calmly. I didn´t even flinch. I was just like, oh, barf. Ok. The best part was Hna Israelsen was like, so, can we leave you with a prayer? And I was like NOPE! WE¨RE OUTTA HERE! Ah so gross. Then, the next day, we were walking in the street and WHAM, a bug flew right into my eye with the force of a jet plane I swear. It took me like 2 minutes to get it out of there and my eyes were watering so bad. We were laughing about it and not even 30 seconds later, a fly flew down Hna Israelsen´s throat (her mouth was open from laughing at ME). She was gagging, coughing and laughing... I was seriously dying on the side of the road. What a scene. Oh, she ended up swallowing it. Nice.
- I had my worst meal and my best meal so far in the mission this week. Worst: This sick cornmeal stuff with meat soup stuff. The worst part is that she PILED it on our plates. It was a small mountain and it was all I could do to eat half of it... so gross. Hna Israelsen ate it ALL. We were SO SICK after. Ick. Then, on Friday was Hno Achigar´s bday and we had asada with sheep, chicken, stuffed zuchini, and chorizo. OH MY LANDS. It was so great!! Ah, I just love Hno Achigar. He treats us so well. Next week we´re going to milk cows at his ranch... we´ll see how that goes.

Kelsey, Adrienne (letter on the way to you!), Hno Larsen- Thank you for the emails! I wish I had time to email you all back individually. Everyone, thank you so much for the love and support. I am so happy in Argentina. I love the people. I love this work. I love Castalleno :) It´s hard sometimes but when I find people like Analia, it makes all the hard times worth it! Have a wonderful week!

Much love,
Hermana Squire

Picture 1: The giant trantula in our house. Now you know why I screamed.
Picture 2: Asada for Hno. Achigar´s birthday with Familia Wilt. SO DELICIOUS
Picture 3: Presidente Wilt y Familia with Hermano Achigar. And I just realized I look like a giant.
Picture 4: Las Hermanas with Hermano Achigar.
Picture 5: our little room (my bed is on the left)

YES I HAVE TO PAY FOR PACKAGES. PLEASE DON´T PUT ACCURATE AMOUNT. If you put 15 dollars, that's 60 pesos and I have to pay for half. So HIDE HIDE HIDE. And don´t list all things... Could you send some raisins, some cereals (none with nuts... they´ll take those) so i was thinking maybe get like captn crunch, take that cereal out and put in some yummy granola and a bag of almonds and raisins in the empty box and reseal. I AM CRAVING HEALTHY SNACKS but everything is so darn expensive. If you can hide beef jerky, nuts etc in a box that previously had granola bars or fruit snacks or whatever and just carefully reseal, that would be great. I really NEED healthy snacks!! Aye aye aye! Foot is better. I think I did strain it and I stumble a lot haha. But I´ve been careful and it´s been better. We have number for doctor in case it gets bad again. Only Hna Israelsen and I jog together. Other times I use my thing Brendi gave me. IT´S THE BEST! Please tell her that. Our house has a washer. It doesn´t rinse so we rinse in the sink and then hang dry. Don´t know how that´s gonna work in the winter. We only have lunch w presidente and family so far. Yes I can open attachments. SO CUTE AVA. Sleeping bag is great for cushion now. I´ll be sleepin in it sooon, no doubt! Internet is 8 blocks from house. Not going to buy a blowdryer. Ive been using Hna Linco´s... well I've used it 3 times so far. OK LOVE YA! Hope all is well and I get to talk to you SOON! Doing Race for The cure this year? HOPE SO!
The spider that made us scream!
Asada for Hermano Achigar's birthday. Presidente Wilt & hermanas

Hermanas with Hermano Achigar

My bedroom with Hermana Israelsen. My bed is to the left.

April 17, 2012

The Crazy Man In The Window

¿Cómo andan?

Wow, I can´t believe I´m in my 2nd week here in Pringles. It is such a great place and I absolutely love the people. I´m so excited to be in Argentina! Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I´m like, whoa! I´m in Argentina!

-      -  Pringles is a super safe town and we have no problems walking around at night or anything. We are lucky to have an Amazing branch presidency who will do anything for us. Hermano Achigar comes by and brings us fresh vegetables and fruit multiple times a week and we have lunch at President Wilt´s home 2 times a week. They take great care of us and I love all the branch members. Ha, they SHOULD take care of us, because between the 4 Hermanas, we rotate teaching gospel doctrine, relief society, the youth class, AND give talks. I´m giving my talk next week… eek!
-         - Funny stories this week: Hermana Israelsen and I were studying in the main room when all of the sudden she starts freaking out. There was this guy looking in our window! We ran out of the room and the other Hermanas came out and it turns out, he was trying to ask us what time it was. Whoops. A couple days later, Hna Israelsen and I were walking in the street and all the sudden, right in the middle of her sentence she said ´Ugh i just stepped on a diaper and it was squishy´ Sick, huh? Then last night I was getting ready for bed when I hear HERMANA HERMANA ARAÑA!!!! (Hna Israelsen is terrified of spiders) I come out thinking it´s a little spider, but NO. It´s as big as a freaking tarantula! I´m serious! It could have swallowed a mouse! I would like to tell you all that I courageously slapped it dead with my shoe, but no.. What did I do? I got on the chair and started screaming with Hermana Israelsen until Hermana Linco came out. She sprayed Raid at it which made it scuttle around and made us scream louder. Oh my gosh. There better not be any more of those in our house. I have a picture and once I figure out this picture thing I´ll send one.
- - We had a 3rd companion with us this week. A little stray cat we named Favian. He followed us around for half a day and patiently waited while we contacted. We lost him after an appointment then he miraculously showed up 2 days later and followed us again! How funny:)
- If anyone wants to give me advice on how to convert a Jehovah´s witness, that would be great! They are so hard to talk to and trying to get them to even listen is impossible.
 -- Fasting works miracles. We had a zone fast and after that we found 4 new investigator, and a family with an 11 year old menos activo and a 9 year old who wants to get baptized. We are going to work with them and find out what kept the mom from being baptized. I´m so stoked.
- -Julieta- She has a fecha this Saturday but it probably will fall through. She only wants her boyfriend, Enrique to baptize her but he´s been less active for about a month because of a dumb fight with a kid in church. BUT HE CAME TO CHURCH YESTERDAY! WOO!! So he is working on being worthy to baptize Julieta. Ah, I love Julieta! She´s 16 and always keeps her promises. WE taught the Word of Wisdom and she was like yeah, I´ll live it. SO SWEET!
  - We celebrated Ramon´s 85 birthday this week. We got him a little alfahor and a candle and sang to him. I LOVE HIM! He is the cutest grandpa!
  -We are also working with a recent convert, Juanita (MOM!!), and she is the sweetest old lady. Every time we go over she tells me I need to eat more or I´ll blow away in the wind. Another menos activo: Maria Jose. I LOVE HER! She had a problem with smoking and didn't want to come back because she was ashamed. But she hasn't´t smoked in 2 weeks!! She has a strong testimony and has gone through the temple. We visit her and she whips out her preach my gospel, gospel principles book and we just chat! AHH love that woman.
--- We found a nueva yesterday, IDE... sounds like Iday? Anyway, we knocked on her door and it was like BAM. Smoke cloud. She is a heavy smoker but we´ll help her change that. Also, there were approximately 150 flies in her house. I about died, but THAT went away when she said she would be baptized. Woo!
-  Shoutouts: Tyler, thanks for the email! CONGRATS ON TENNESSEE!!!! You were right in your post script once again. Sis Corbett thanks for the dear elder! BYU peeps, I hope finals go well! Then you can write me! Dearelders take 2 weeks, letters I'm not sure, and emails are obviously quick. Hermano Larsen, Thanks for the email! Thank you all for the endless love and support.

Hermana Squire

April 9, 2012

I'm In ARGENTINA!!! Anyone up for Pringles?


I AM IN ARGENTINA AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Wow, there is lots to tell so I´m going to just get started.
- We flew into Buenos Aires and then took a little plane to Bahia. We met up with President Detlefsen and his wife and our companions. The president and his wife are so great! My companion is Hermana Israelsen, she´s from Cache Valley, Utah. She´s pretty great. We went to the mission office to have some orientation and do some paperwork and then my companion and I got on a collectivo to our area: Coronel Pringles. (PREngLESS- not like the chips). WE didn´t get in until midnight... It made for 2 VERY long days of traveling. 
- We hopped right into missionary work the next day. I got to meet with the Branch President, Pres. Wilt and I saw our little capilla (chapel). There are only about 30 members in the rama(branch), but I am there to change that. Contacting is a little strange to me still... I´ll get over it soon, I´m sure. 
- Pringles is very tranquil. The people are relaxed and most live in pretty humble homes. Cinderblocks, curtains for doors and such. There are nice homes too, but a lot of the roads are dirt roads. It´s a farm town... a lot of people work in the campo the next town over. There are also a lot of Jehovah Witnesses here... and some can be pretty mean! But we are working hard. We walk around 8-10 miles a day... our area is super huge. A lot of people ride bikes here instead of having autos. 
- I´m surprised at how many people give us their address when we´ve only talked to them for two minutes. Also, they kiss cheeks here. It could be 5 minutes since we met and some lady is kissing my cheek. It get´s a little tricky with the men... we have to say SOLOMENTE LA MANO! (only the hand!) as they come in for the kiss. It´s my favorite with little kids... they reach up on their tip toes and kiss your cheeks... ah I love the kids here! So adorable!!
- So, Argentines don´t speak Spanish. They speak Castellano. And they speak it FAST. It´s a little hard to get used to and sometimes I don´t catch things, but it´ll come. I´ve already been told by plenty that I speak it well. That´s because I practiced in the MTC! Castellano is the y and ll sounds (ya) make the ´sha´ sound. Yo me llamo is ´sho me shamo´. It´s different but very beautiful. The Argentines are a beautiful people and I love them already. The rama is great! We have some strong members.
- We had a confirmation on Sun of one of H. Israelsen´s investigators Ramon. He is 84 and SO ADORABLE! But he is very deaf! Haha. We taught him about the holy ghost the other day and it went like this. Ramon, usted va a recibir el espiritú santo manaña! Eh? USTED VA A RECIBIR EL ESPIRITÚ SANTO MANAÑA! Eh? USTED...VA...A....RECIBIR...EL....ESPIRITÚ... SANTO ...MANAÑA!!! Oh! Sí!! Oh I love him. WE also are working on two sisters and their mom. Julieta (16), Sofia (13) and Adriana. They have fechas for the end of the month. PS Sundays are CRAZY! We have to rally up our investigators. Julieta, Sofia and Adriana were nowhere to be found so we RAN (literally ran) to their house, found Sofia and Julieta in the street, and dragged them along to church. They stayed, so that´s good! So stressful! I am also a visiting teacher with another woman in the rama. Every month, we´ll visit teach 5 members (active or inactive). We also rotate teaching classes with the other Hermanas (Linco from Chile and Liguizamon from Mendosa, they live with us in our little home) and give talkes every month. Lots to do on Sundays!! 
- No one can say my name. I even say, its Hermana Esquire. They say, Skeeray. Ha so I´ve given up. Call me Hermana Skeeray. 
- Dulce de leche is nectar from above. I swear. Yogurt comes in a bag... and it´s delicious. The food is seriously the best. 
- Coming to the mission field is like starting all over! The accent is different, new schedule to get used to, new stresses, new foods... but it is all great. I will accostom soon.
- We can´t carry bags because it looks like we´re carrying valuables and such, we don´t want to get robbed! So we have these little box things. About the size of a tissue box, but a little thicker. Theres pictures of jesus all over mine. People call them esposos (spouse) because they are always with you. Some call them Jesus boxes. There we carry folletos, a Book of Mormon and our planners. No room for hardly anything! How am I going to sneak food that I don´t like out of people´s homes? Aye, aye aye, I´ll have to figure something out. 

Shoutouts: Taylor and Kristen. I got your dearelders first thing when I got to the mission office. It made me laugh all over again! Tyler- thanks for the email... FINALLY. And about your P.S- No. nononono. THANK YOU ALL for your lovely comments on conference. Such a great experience! Elder Nelson came up and talked with all of us before... so amazing to have an apostle of the Lord right there! And just so you know, I don´t wear that much makeup... President brown´s wife came at me with a blush brush and I was pretty much helpless. Hna Brown- I AM PRAYING FOR YOU AND E. HAROLDSON! Hiatt family- thanks for the email! You should send an update more often! :) Thank you all for all the prayers and support. It´s because of you that I´m here in Argentina! It´s the best. I seriously am so so happy I am finally in the field. I can´t wait to find and teach more. 

Hermana Squire (Skeeray)

April 5, 2012


HOLA todos!!
Well, after we sent Hermana Hinze, and Elders Kelly, Hall, and Allred off to the airport, I was feeling pretty down with not getting my visa. Then, right after lunch, what do you know... I GOT MY VISA! Yes! I am leaving for Argentina tomorrow morning! I AM SO DANG EXCITED!! I can't wait to start this work I was called to do in Bahia Blanca. Thank you all for your continued love and support these past few weeks. I look forward to more dearelders in Argentina! (It's possible! I just don't know how to do it! :)) I love you all so much and I can't wait to tell you about my first week in Argentina. I am so blessed to have gotten my visa only a day late. Please continue to pray for the rest of my district and other Argentine missionaries still waiting. I am so incredibly happy and ready to serve. I'm only a little nervous, as expected. But I can't wait to serve with my whole heart. Until Pday------from ARGENTINA!
Con Amor,
Hermana Cydnee Squire

April 2, 2012

Little Devastated

Hola Todos!
Well, here I am in the final week of the MTC... with no visa. Half of our district got theirs and will be leaving on Monday, and the rest of us will be stuck here until we get ours. To say I'm bummed is a huge understatement. I was pretty much devastated. But, there is still hope that the rest of ours will get ours next week. It will be hard to see the rest of our district leave on Monday, I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye and having to stay here. So pray hard, I don't think I can last much longer in the MTC... I'm going a little crazy!!
- David Archuleta is in the building. The rumors are true. He is so small and he looks scared all the time, like someone is going to tackle him or something. He's pretty well guarded and for the most part, everyone kinda lets him be. Which is good.
- We are ready to sing for conference! We have been practicing so much and working so hard. It's going to sound so AMAZING! The sisters have been having a rough time finding pastel-like shirts. And the Relief Society Presidency had us wear our outfits for Saturday this past Tuesday to get approval. Try singing your part with the Relief Society Presidency pacing around you and scrutinizing your outfit with their eyes. Not easy, I tell ya! It's going to be so amazing, I hope that you get a glimpse of me in the crowd!
- This past week has been great... a little monotonous at times (so many practices and acting like fake investigators!) but great. Hermano Larsen made it special for us by showing pictures of his mission and we FINALLY got to see the real Sergio. He was exactly as I pictured. A little stocky and grumpy looking. We saw post baptism pictures and man, what a difference. He's so happy and has the light of Christ in his eyes. I can't wait to witness that first hand in Argentina. Today we're doing in-field training... it's where they tie all the loose ends together for the departing missionaries. So far we've learned contacting, working with members for referrals, and preparing investigators for baptismal interviews. It's been really great actually! I can't wait to leave and apply all that I'm learning.
- Our new district has an Elder in it that looks like Squints from the Sandlot. I GOTTA take a picture of him before we leave. It's pretty awesome. We'll be getting another district this Wed... but let's hope I'm not here to see them :) We got new girls in our room and they're all going to MCALLEN TX! Small world right? It gets even smaller: one of the Hermanas is Rachel Richards. I went to school with her in Jr High and High School and she even came to my bday party when I was like 14! So nuts! It's always fun to see people I know here.
- I'm sorry this email is so scatterbrained and a little unfullfilling. I really am at a loss for words and don't know what to talk about! Everything is the same here in the MTC! All my days run together and I never know what has happened on each day. Shoutouts: Paige- you are great, thanks for the email. A letter is coming your way (for all of you). Had- YOU ARE ENGAGED! I saw the ring and it is GORGEOUS. Ahhh and your pictures! I love you!!! Rachelle- thanks for the dearelder and I LOVE YOU!! Grandparents Squire: thanks for the email! Hope you all feel better soon! Summer- thanks for the dearelder! I miss you, and keep me updated on your life. Thanks for all the prayers and support. Hno Larsen told us... why should we ever be discouraged? We have SO MANY people praying for us. In every temple, our wards are praying for us, the prophet prays for us, and all our family and friends pray for us. I am so blessed to have you all pray for me. I really appreciate it. When I feel discouraged (especially since I'm not leaving on time anymore) I think about you all and how much I love each of you. I hope you have a great week and always remember that I love you... but more importantly, I hope you remember you have a Father in Heaven who loves you and cares about your happiness. He knows you personally because you are His child. Always remember that you are sons and daughters of a King. This is the work of the Lord! I cannot wait to start bringing others to Christ.
Con amor,
Hermana Squire